Cosa dice l'azienda
Quick edge-to-edge? Check. Absurd float in pow? Oh you bet. You might be surprised to hear that the the Mindbender 99ti only clocks in at 99 underfoot – it definitely hits above it’s weight. Toss in that Y-Beam and you’ll be wondering where the speed limit on this thing really is. West Coast, East Coast – it doesn’t matter. It’s the kind of ski you drop in the back of your car, and take with you wherever you go
Capacita: ESPERTO (L5), LIVELLO 6/7
misure disponibili: 170,177,184,191
posizione di marcia: No
Raggio: 18,5@184m @ 184
Sidecut:123/99/138 @ 184
Peso:2226g @ 184cm g
Designed to enhance stability and control in all snow types, TORSION CONTROL DESIGN combines a progressive torsional flex, with a balanced and even longitudinal profile. Torsionally stiffest in the forebody and center of the ski, then easing throughout the tail, K2 skis with TCD have both precise, accurate turn initiation and smooth, consistent turn release in all snow types
K2’s Ti Y-Beam delivers precision in the forebody of the ski, power underfoot and stability in the tail, all while maintaining the maneuverability and drift control needed for freeride ripping. Precision cut titanal in a ‘Y’ shape alters the torsional stiffness of the ski while maintaining a balanced, even flex pattern that delivers power in a controlled manner throughout the length of the ski.
Power transfer is dramatically enhanced with the oversized ABS sidewalls that are laminated and pocketed within the wood core in the midbody of the ski. With the sidewall extending into the heart of the ski, the transmission of energy from skier to ski edge is direct and precise.
MAPLE CORE Energetic, tough, dense wood that absorbs impact.
ASPEN CORE Lightweight and resilient, great all-around material.
Quick edge-to-edge? Check. Absurd float in pow? Oh you bet. You might be surprised to hear that the the Mindbender 99ti only clocks in at 99 underfoot – it definitely hits above it’s weight. Toss in that Y-Beam and you’ll be wondering where the speed limit on this thing really is. West Coast, East Coast – it doesn’t matter. It’s the kind of ski you drop in the back of your car, and take with you wherever you go
Capacita: ESPERTO (L5), LIVELLO 6/7
misure disponibili: 170,177,184,191
posizione di marcia: No
Raggio: 18,5@184m @ 184
Sidecut:123/99/138 @ 184
Peso:2226g @ 184cm g
Designed to enhance stability and control in all snow types, TORSION CONTROL DESIGN combines a progressive torsional flex, with a balanced and even longitudinal profile. Torsionally stiffest in the forebody and center of the ski, then easing throughout the tail, K2 skis with TCD have both precise, accurate turn initiation and smooth, consistent turn release in all snow types
K2’s Ti Y-Beam delivers precision in the forebody of the ski, power underfoot and stability in the tail, all while maintaining the maneuverability and drift control needed for freeride ripping. Precision cut titanal in a ‘Y’ shape alters the torsional stiffness of the ski while maintaining a balanced, even flex pattern that delivers power in a controlled manner throughout the length of the ski.
Power transfer is dramatically enhanced with the oversized ABS sidewalls that are laminated and pocketed within the wood core in the midbody of the ski. With the sidewall extending into the heart of the ski, the transmission of energy from skier to ski edge is direct and precise.
MAPLE CORE Energetic, tough, dense wood that absorbs impact.
ASPEN CORE Lightweight and resilient, great all-around material.
Il risultato del test NeveItalia
- Rispondenza profiloSI al 80 %
- Stabilità
- Comfort
- Maneggevolezza
- Conduzione
- Impulso
- Curve strette
- Curve medie
- Curve ampie
- Presa di spigolo
- Galleggiamento
- Precisione
- Stacco
- Fase Aerea
- Atterraggio

K2 si presenta ai test Neveitalia con la nuova collezione Mindbender, in particolare con il Mindbender 99 Ti con rinforzo in Titanal e il design “Y-Beam” che permette un’ottima flessibilità longitudinale senza concedere eccessive flessioni torsionali. E’ uno degli sci preferiti dai nostri tester in campo Allmountain, ricevendo il premio “Scelto dai Tester” grazie alla stabilità e alle performance: rimane “preciso e stabile in tutta la curva in pista, con neve invernale si riesce a condurre con facilità, anche in curve strette” esordisce Alex Favaro nella sua scheda. Sia Massimo Pico Pix che la guida alpina Nicola Viotti sono concordi sul fatto che lo sci conduca molto bene, sia in pista che fuori, confermando di essere un “allmountain a tutto tondo”.
Lo sci, secondo Rolando Bertolina, è da utilizzare anche in Touring, grazie alla bella spatola rockerata e l’ottimo galleggiamento.
Le note negative riscontrate da alcuni testatori riguarda l’utilizzo in freeride su pendii molto ripidi e stretti in quanto risulta difficile da girare a causa delle spatola molto accentuata (Alice Gabasio) mentre per Federico Secchi “bisogna avere un buon fisico per deformarlo e spingere molto”, non essendo molto intuitivo in fuori pista.
Il K2 Mindbender 99 Ti si è dimostrato un ottimo sci da Freeride All mountain, reattivo, scattante e diverte sia in pista che in fuoripista, lo consigliamo non solo per le giornate in Powder ma anche per gite di Touring con le pelli.
Foto e opinioni di chi l'ha provato
Tutti i tester

Racines Giovo | 8/9 | 20-98 cm |
Folgaria | 26/26 | 20-50 cm |
Bormio 3000 | 13/13 | 25-75 cm |
Selva di Val Gardena | 33/35 | 65-110 cm |
Chiesa in valmalenco | 9/10 | 35-100 cm |
Abetone | 16/17 | 30-130 cm |
Bormio 2000 | 13/13 | 25-75 cm |
Plan de Corones | 34/34 | 5-60 cm |
METEO SCI / 18 Febbraio
- Appennino Mer. 1°-8°C
- Trentino -4°-2°C
- Friuli -6°--1°C
- Valle d'Aosta -2°-6°C
- Alto Adige -4°-2°C
- Appennino Sett. -2°-5°C
K2 - scarponi maysis boa®