Interlaken - Sports & Adventure
Interlaken certainly sets of the heart of all adrenaline and adventure sports enthusiasts racing. There's virtually no limit to what's on offer in the region! Interlaken is famous far beyond the country's borders as a top destination for adventure sports. Check with our local providers to select the adventure that best suits your high-octane needs! Set your pulse racing with a wild river rafting ride or a spot of canyoning. If the sky's the limit, then go for paragliding or skydiving as the ultimate thrill. Welcome to the adrenaline Mecca!
News collegate e non solo ...
Interlaken: Adrenalinico o romantico, l'inverno è tutto da vivere
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Michela Caré, Giovedì 21 Marzo 2024METEO SCI / 18 Settembre
- Appennino Cent. 9°-14°C
- Veneto 6°-18°C
- Piemonte 5°-13°C
- Alto Adige 9°-18°C
- Appennino Sett. 5°-11°C
- Appennino Mer. 13°-22°C