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K2 Talkback 88


K2 Talkback 88

sci k2 Talkback 88

Cosa dice l'azienda

The K2 Talkback 88 is the picture of backcountry efficiency. A trimmer 88mm waist and lighter ECOre of balsa and flax makes for practically effortless ascents and extra hip-swivel in your favorite gladed stash. This classic K2 All Terrain Rocker shape and blended sidewall construction are tied together by a thoughtfully placed carbon web across the fore body and tail of the ski for additional rigidity.


misure disponibili: 153,160,167

posizione di marcia: No

Raggio: 14m @ 160

Sidecut:126/88/113 @ 160

Peso:1175 g



nucleo ECOre Balsa/Flax / costruzione : Carbon Web, fianco Hybritech, Z-Clip Attachment Skin Grommets, Tappered Tip/Tail, Torsion Box

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