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90s style paired with modern features. the 686 2.5l ghost anorak combines the trendy style of the 90s with modern features such as the 2.5-layer infidry® 10k fabric with dwr and a 2-way zip that also serves as ventilation. this anorak is rounded off with the 686 pant jacket connectâ„¢ system, adjustable death gripâ„¢ hook-and-loop cuffs and fully sealed bemis® seams.we recommend wearing this anorak with a first layer and a warm mid-layer on cold days.
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Arabba | 25/25 | 10-60 cm |
Rivisondoli | 23/24 | 80-120 cm |
Livigno | 31/31 | 37-43 cm |
Racines Giovo | 8/9 | 20-95 cm |
Limone Piemonte | 13/15 | 35-60 cm |
Passo San Pellegrino | 15/15 | 10-50 cm |
San Colombano Valdidentro | 13/13 | 25-75 cm |
Dobbiaco | 19/19 | 10-90 cm |
METEO SCI / 13 Febbraio
- Valle d'Aosta -4°-4°C
- Appennino Sett. -1°-6°C
- Trentino -3°-2°C
- Appennino Mer. 3°-10°C
- Appennino Cent. 1°-5°C
- Piemonte -0°-5°C