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Dynastar Legend 85 Fluid

AllMountain PistaESPERTOAllRound

Dynastar Legend 85 Fluid

sci dynastar Legend 85 Fluid

Cosa dice l'azienda

Il nuovo Legend 85 Fluid rappresenta la nuova tendenza dell’azienda per offrire lo sci veramente polivalente.
La tecnologia Autodrive fluid, unita alla nuova tecnologia Rocker,solo in spatola, esprime il meglio del settore per un utilizzo sia in pista che in  neve alta, con una maneggevolezza che vi  sorprenderà senza perdere nulla in tenuta e precisione.


misure disponibili: 158,165,172,178,184

posizione di marcia: No

Raggio: 13m @ 178

Sidecut:126/85/110 @ 178

Terreno:Allmountain 30 % Pista


A fairly long rocker, progressive only in the tip, for improved terrain absorption and impeccable flotation in powder; Ski pivoting is facilitated, making forward/rearward balance easier and reducing muscular fatigue when off-piste. The flat tail enables skiers to maintain the heel power crucial for high-speed freeriding and off-piste jump landings.
The wood core is hollowed out in the center where the stress is less intense and reinforced on the ski exterior, improving power transmission to the edges. The ski is therefore lighter, not only enhancing skiability but also improving performance and control. The titanal top sheet is cut out to respect the shape of the core. Strongpoints: lightweight / grip / ski-snow contact.
New plate, more precise: This new plate is lighter than the aluminium version and offers higher performance than the composite version. -25% lateral deformation -50% vertical deformation It is now mounted on the Cross Pro, Groove, Outland 80 Pro and 80 XT, and Legend 85 Fluid.
Traditional sandwich technology of wood and titanal layers guaranteeing precise carving stability and excellent torsion rigidity. The power is provided by two layers of fiberglass whose basic weight (thickness) can vary depending on the model and the desired skiability. The double melamine/phenol sidewalls ensures flexability and power according to the skier's needs in the different phases of the turn.

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