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K2 Beluved 78Ti


K2 Beluved 78Ti

sci k2 Beluved 78Ti

Cosa dice l'azienda

Based on K2’s E3 Philosophy, the women’s ski Beluved 78Ti features a thinner, lighter composite core construction for added ease and control and a thin metal laminate construction for strength, power and stability. With an optimal waist-width and All-Terrain Rocker, the K2 BeLuved 78Ti is the tool for advancing skiers looking to explore the entire resort.


misure disponibili: 142,149,156,163

posizione di marcia: No

Raggio: 14m @ 163

Sidecut:119/78/108 @ 163

Bindings:K2/Marker ER3 10 TC or Flat


nucleo Composite / costruzione : Metal Laminate, fianco Hybritech, Tapered Tip/Tail

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